Thursday, June 25, 2015


Hi there ,
today I'm going to talk about the word awesome.
Have you ever thought of the meaning of the word awesome? What does the word awesome mean ?
What can you imagine? As for me, I haven't thought of the meaning of the word awesome deeply.
Today after school, I was in the cafe-teria doing my homework.
Fortunately, my Venezuelan friends were there.
Right away I asked some questions to one(bri) of them.
I asked how can you explain the meaning of the word awesome.
She said that someone makes you surprised and feel good , could be called awesome.
It means, a person who has many interesting things that other people don't have, is awesome.
In addition, she added that a person who has something big at night, is awesome.. well..
And then I asked another Venezuelan friend(chri) the same question.
He told me that he is awesome because he said he is the most polite person on earth and
he can dance and drink all night and he can make many friends easily.
When I heard that a person who makes many friends easily, is awesome, I thought I can't be awesome.
because i'm still afraid of speaking to strangers.
Also I think compared with oneself, a friend who does well that I can't do well, is awesome! !!!


Transparent, but not invisible :D

 Transparent person means someone who is clear, more than sincere with other people.
I'm transparent when it appears from my unconsciousness, but sometimes when the judgments appear, the transparency become opaque and could be seen as diplomacy.
Being Transparent requires strong self-confidence.
                                                                                    Ninoska GM.

Happy person

Show told me is a person who always does what she wants is focused no possitive things someone that dosen't go down if something bad happens , always looks for a soluciรณn .

Person who always is happy and laughs at bad moments 

I Think that i am a happy person with that  description because i always try yo do improve the bad things that happens in my life or others lives 

Camila Nava 

A place for everything & everything in its place!

When I asked my French course classmate what an organized person looks like, I didn't have any doubt that she was talking about me.

According to her explanation organized people keep their notes clean, put things in the same place. They are intelligent and tend to work very well.

What about you? What word describes you best?
By Tania

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Relaxed ✌๐Ÿผ️

He said that a relaxed person is someone who never gets into trouble, who is happy and is never worried about anything. 
But I believe that I'm a person that let go the things that happened in the past, I think that everything happens con one reason and I can forgive and forget all and carry on. 

Stephanie :) 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Is a person who creates alternative answers, a person who is intelligent, and is a little bit kind.

Because I'm intelligent ay some things that I like, for example at maths ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

                    By: GSC‼️๐Ÿ’ฏ‼️