Thursday, April 9, 2015

About what could sum up my life by Tiago

Robert Downey Jr playing Kirk Lazarus in Tropical Thunder - 2008

          Being a worker, being a student, being great, being polite, being positive, being my friends: Juan, Stefania, Ivy, May, Dante, and being a snowflake falling on a tree, in this case, being Omar(good guy). Being ourselves, what we want, and what we need to be is not easy. In addition, every day we woke up being an another version of ourselves. 
          Today, we wake up happy, tomorrow we'll wake up worried about something, and so on. In the class, we need to pretend believing in some that we don't believe and defend it. It's amazing see everyone burning their brains trying being successful in this exercise. I admit. I love it! Even assuming that I have difficulty in doing that, I feel the need to try. It could resume my life nowadays. Trying do different things, different challenges and being different good versions of myself.

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