Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Creating an account on facebook is too easy. You don't need to prove that you are you. So I think this could be used against you as well.
I've never met anyone who has made ​​a fake profile or has been caught by one.
But I know there are many reasons behind it. Part of them can be explainable, others cannot.
Before you question me ... No, I've never made a fake profile, but I liked to watch a series on MTV channel called " Catfish ", which promotes the meeting between couples who have been talking a long time online, but they have never seen each other.
The point is that in most cases one of them has a fake profile, then that person always postpone a possible meeting. It is everything because he or she pretends to be a person who they are not. Sometimes just to have fun, or because they have some difficulty to connect in real life.

Social networking helps you make many friends, but do you know who are you chatting with?


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Crazy Facebook Profiles

I don't see and specific Facebook profile that is crazy, but I see many status and videos that make me laugh or think "what's wrong with this guy".
For example in high school my partners make a video in which a guy ask the teacher "There's homework" and then all the students through their backpacks to the guy. The first time you see it's like, "jajajaja they are crazy, it's too funny" but the second time you see the same video it's like "what's wrong with their lifes, they are crazy."
Or in other cases there are girls that take photos with 10% face 90% boobs and with a creative caption that said "Your hate feeds my ego" or "like if I'm pretty" and when you see that kind of photos you wish that someone tell her that she looks like a ***.
Those kind of videos or photos make feel that the people nowadays like to be attract the attention of everyone doing stupid things. [Megan]

Crazy Profiles (Deborah Balbuena)

I have several friends on Facebook that are a little crazy, always with something silly or funny, for example one of them always is asking for food and places having a good toilet, another upload pictures of him doing funny things. I have quite a few crazy friends.
Many uploaded videos of cute dogs wearing funny outfits, I love to see those videos, I think I am one of them. 
Well, I have a lot of Brazilian friends who have a crazy profile on Facebook. They are so weird... In Brazil, they are called ‘’ the cool guys’’ but they’re not. In Brazil, there is a type of music called ‘’Funk’’, in which the rhythm is excited making people never stop shaking, buuuut the lyrics is a bad influence because the singers talk about bad things, but they think that's alright. The singers use gold necklaces, big rings, cool cell phones… They try to be rich singing a bad song.
Most of people in Brazil likes those songs... Most of the singers are born in'' Favela".. but honestly, there is a guy who sings those musics, and he's really cute, but stupid at the same time.
They look like this:

Giovanna Ciconi

Monday, July 13, 2015

Crazy Facebook profiles. By Gloria Yllán

Do you know someone who publishes crazy things on Facebook? Are you one of them?
Last week I saw a profile which has impressed me, it was about a dog. The owners had created it to share some picture of it.

I couldn't believe it! It was cute but my question was: why does a dog have a profile on the internet?
I discovered that the owners were in a relationship, so I realized that the dog was a gift.

The owners post things all the time. I've never seen something like that.

Now, I think: if you love your pet, you could make it a Facebook profile.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

An important lesson that I learned (Deborah)

Enjoy the things that you have, today.

It was a such bad day in my house and my parents were fighting, 
so my brother, dad and I went to eat with my grandpa (the father of my dad) and we enjoyed the evening, the food and all that stuff, but my mom stayed at home so her mother went to our house surprisingly with gifts, like a bottle of Mexican tequila, candys, and a turkey (fun, I know) so they were so happy together.

Later, we arrived to my house  and my mom was so peacefully  and happy, so we can talk as a family and enjoy our dinner. 

After two days of that the mother of my mom unfortunately died, but her last words that she said to my mom was "Don't waste your life being angry with everyone, and fighting with them" just open your eyes and see how beautiful can be your life if you watch it from another perspective" so since that day my mom everyday in the morning tells me "Enjoy your present, so your future will be better" and I try it each day, and I'll try forever.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Well.. It was a time when I studyed at a rich school, and all my friends were riches and they had everethyng they wanted. But my life was not like that. My dad and my mom needed to work really hard to buy somethings to our house, or buy something for me and my sister. I was always greatful of the things that my dad and my mom gave to me.. but I always asked to myself "why can't I have what my friends have?"
And then I realized that  I can't compare my life with the others, because God made a different way for each one.

Giovanna Ciconi