Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My life lesson

"In matters of love and hate we are like newborns." Eduardo Punset.
Maybe this story is not talking about my own experience but I was right there when it happen.
Long time ago, like one year, my brother met one of his girlfriends, her name was Lizbeth. They met in a party and for an strange reason they fall in love, ten months later they broke up and my brother felt in depression, I was to young to understand what he felt in that moment but I remember what may mom said to him "I'm not here to said you that she was the worst woman in the world or start to talk about all of her defects because she is a human and she the reason why she end with the relationship. But let me tell you something, in your life you will met a lot of people, you will have a lot of girlfriends that you will love with all your heart, it's part of the life and you know that love is one of the amazing feelings a person can feel, but you always need to repeat in your head that the life is to short to suffer for one person."
To my brother was to difficult to understand the point of the conversation but when I gros up and remember that I understand what she said.
She wants that we learn about every experience that we have, good or bad, because every episode of our life it's a lesson and if we analyze it we won't get stuck there. [Megan]

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