Thursday, July 9, 2015

An important lesson that I learned (Deborah)

Enjoy the things that you have, today.

It was a such bad day in my house and my parents were fighting, 
so my brother, dad and I went to eat with my grandpa (the father of my dad) and we enjoyed the evening, the food and all that stuff, but my mom stayed at home so her mother went to our house surprisingly with gifts, like a bottle of Mexican tequila, candys, and a turkey (fun, I know) so they were so happy together.

Later, we arrived to my house  and my mom was so peacefully  and happy, so we can talk as a family and enjoy our dinner. 

After two days of that the mother of my mom unfortunately died, but her last words that she said to my mom was "Don't waste your life being angry with everyone, and fighting with them" just open your eyes and see how beautiful can be your life if you watch it from another perspective" so since that day my mom everyday in the morning tells me "Enjoy your present, so your future will be better" and I try it each day, and I'll try forever.

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