Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Crazy Facebook Profiles

I don't see and specific Facebook profile that is crazy, but I see many status and videos that make me laugh or think "what's wrong with this guy".
For example in high school my partners make a video in which a guy ask the teacher "There's homework" and then all the students through their backpacks to the guy. The first time you see it's like, "jajajaja they are crazy, it's too funny" but the second time you see the same video it's like "what's wrong with their lifes, they are crazy."
Or in other cases there are girls that take photos with 10% face 90% boobs and with a creative caption that said "Your hate feeds my ego" or "like if I'm pretty" and when you see that kind of photos you wish that someone tell her that she looks like a ***.
Those kind of videos or photos make feel that the people nowadays like to be attract the attention of everyone doing stupid things. [Megan]

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