Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Creating an account on facebook is too easy. You don't need to prove that you are you. So I think this could be used against you as well.
I've never met anyone who has made ​​a fake profile or has been caught by one.
But I know there are many reasons behind it. Part of them can be explainable, others cannot.
Before you question me ... No, I've never made a fake profile, but I liked to watch a series on MTV channel called " Catfish ", which promotes the meeting between couples who have been talking a long time online, but they have never seen each other.
The point is that in most cases one of them has a fake profile, then that person always postpone a possible meeting. It is everything because he or she pretends to be a person who they are not. Sometimes just to have fun, or because they have some difficulty to connect in real life.

Social networking helps you make many friends, but do you know who are you chatting with?


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