Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Formula 1 (by Sophia)

When I was younger, such as 15 years old, I was watching the F1 race on the TV. Michael Schumacher has been famous in China. You don't need to know what's the Formula 1, but you must know who is Mr. Schumacher. In the school, we talked a lot of sport news, so I started to follow F1 news. I liked Jenson Button. Obviously, he's handsome, and he's a good driver. I believed that he could be the best driver in the F1. I watched the race on the TV sometimes for 4 years. Then, I was busier in university classes, I couldn't follow news any more.

In the next weekend, Montreal will meet Formula 1 race (Grand Prix) at the park Jean-Drapeau. There will be many events in the downtown. It's the biggest event in Montreal for every summer. Honestly, I can't understand why. It's just a car race, and it's an international race ligue. For me, it's just an usual event, not a big deal. These luxury sport cars are for riches, it's not my business. Why all the city are excited about it? I thought that quebecois have passion in the hockey, they should be crazier about NHL than F1.

In the end, be careful in the next weekend if you go out, there will be too many people on the street.


Hi there !

Today I want to talk about crime.

You know, crime is a major problem from all over the world.

In my opinion, I can never understand why we feed the prisoners at the jail.

They should suffer hell and they shouldn’t eat anything before they die especially the murderers.

I know, It sounds terrible.

But everyone doesn’t want to get any terrible news anywhere(somewhere?).

Also these days, in my country, South Korea, feeding the prisoners is a major problem.

For example,


The three pictures above shows the prisoner’s food.

I can’t understand why people who work at the government spend taxes for them to feed

They don’t deserve to eat this kinds of food.


And the two pictures above shows the facilities of the jail in South Korea.

Can you imagine these pictures?
The prisoners can feel more comfortable than homeless people.

Can you understand? Korean people are donating their money for the prisoners. Phew..



And the two pictures above shows the facilities of the jail in Marseille in France.

Of course, the crime rate in the city is much lower than South Korea.

These problems makes many people get angry.

Also that’s why the number of crime is on the increase !!

Korean government comes back to earth.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Socializing by elyas

Within the framework of the entitled course General skills dispenser by Miss Sadika, i havé ton present and to explain my point of vue about socializing. Why do humans need it ?

Many Sociologists Having led a réflexion on the subject explain the phenomenon by making a link with the theses of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, on particular the theory of the good savage. At first, the men decide to leave their natural space, the nature, to meet and establish a community. It is through the tacit agreement, the social contract, that the men adhere un the principle of community.

This axiom rests on the idea that the men feel safe in group. For all that it is even on the agenda today ? In our contempory societies based on the individualism and consumerism does it still neccessary to meet unknowns in a frame other than strictly professional ?

All the humans beings are in search of the hapiness and, to do it, they have to meet their fellow men, and try to recreate the original model of the family, as well in friendship as in love.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Everyone enjoys socializing with their people.. huh?

I think SNS (social networking sites) represent socializing. So I  want to talk about SNS.

Nowadays most people have their own facebook account right?

I'm sure everyone knows what facebook is , even some people who don't have facebook account !

Facebook is a popular social networking system also it's the world's largest sns.

It connects people from around the world and it also offers chatting services! so we can keep in touch with our friends everywhere.

And many kinds of funny videos are uploaded all the time on facebook.

Also we can share the video easily to have fun with our friends.

but having a facebook account has flaw.

First of bad things, many students check facebook multiple times in their classroom.

It drives the teachers crazy. isn't it? Siddiqa?

And google told me - more than 500 people use facebook and i found a interesting sentence.

"facebook helps adopted kids find birth parents." WOW

So, i think facebook is the best way to keep in touch with our valuable people and if you don't use facebook in a classroom, it will be able to start a wonderful relationship :)


To learn a foreign language, a lot of people says socializing is the best way...

But why? That's I want to discuss.
I really agree about this. When you are in class with your classmates, you are relaxed 'cause they are you friends and they are also learning. So, you think "oh, i'm not afraid to do a mistake, it's funny".

But, why not think the same think in real life, right? Why are you afraid at time to practice your foreign language? Think about this... When babies are learning to talk, they don't think "Which mistake I'll do". They just talk and talk. Also one day they do it well!

So, if you want improve your foreign language, you must practice all the time that language. Try to practice with your friends, your classmates, also your family!

Don't be shy! Don't think a lot!
Just, do it!

By: Maria From Col.

women socializing (by Sophia)

For girls, socializing could be both easy and difficult. There are only one important thing for girls, it's gossip. Here, "gossip" has a huge definition. When I went out with my friends, we talked about TV series, movies, stars, makeup and our boyfriend or husband, etc. There were many topics into our conversation. If we could understand each other's opinion, we would be good friends.

Usually, girls like go to shopping and eating some foods with other girls. They can socialize with friend during shopping. Girls can be happier when they eat delicious foods, especially dessert.

Mostly, I enjoy to go out with my girls friends because we like similar things. Sometimes, I had to participate their activities even I wasted my time to go out with them. It's necessary to be part of girl group.

Socializing is not simple, we must spend a lot of time to get to know people.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Socializing by Tania

Socializing is an act of to get together with each others.

Lately this concept have been changed, because nowadays to socialize means to interact by texting, e-mails, etc...and to be social you just need to have many friends on the facebook, or a lot of "likes" on your post.

I really think the internet revolutionized the communications ways. It's supposed to make life easier, and now is possible until to keep a relationship at a distance. But, on the other hand it keeps distance who is close.

Ok. I have an account on the facebook, and I like it. But if you can get to know....ohhh.. It's much better =)