Wednesday, May 13, 2015

women socializing (by Sophia)

For girls, socializing could be both easy and difficult. There are only one important thing for girls, it's gossip. Here, "gossip" has a huge definition. When I went out with my friends, we talked about TV series, movies, stars, makeup and our boyfriend or husband, etc. There were many topics into our conversation. If we could understand each other's opinion, we would be good friends.

Usually, girls like go to shopping and eating some foods with other girls. They can socialize with friend during shopping. Girls can be happier when they eat delicious foods, especially dessert.

Mostly, I enjoy to go out with my girls friends because we like similar things. Sometimes, I had to participate their activities even I wasted my time to go out with them. It's necessary to be part of girl group.

Socializing is not simple, we must spend a lot of time to get to know people.

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