Thursday, May 21, 2015


Hi there !

Today I want to talk about crime.

You know, crime is a major problem from all over the world.

In my opinion, I can never understand why we feed the prisoners at the jail.

They should suffer hell and they shouldn’t eat anything before they die especially the murderers.

I know, It sounds terrible.

But everyone doesn’t want to get any terrible news anywhere(somewhere?).

Also these days, in my country, South Korea, feeding the prisoners is a major problem.

For example,


The three pictures above shows the prisoner’s food.

I can’t understand why people who work at the government spend taxes for them to feed

They don’t deserve to eat this kinds of food.


And the two pictures above shows the facilities of the jail in South Korea.

Can you imagine these pictures?
The prisoners can feel more comfortable than homeless people.

Can you understand? Korean people are donating their money for the prisoners. Phew..



And the two pictures above shows the facilities of the jail in Marseille in France.

Of course, the crime rate in the city is much lower than South Korea.

These problems makes many people get angry.

Also that’s why the number of crime is on the increase !!

Korean government comes back to earth.


  1. excellent piece of writing ,no point making thier life easy on expence of general public money

  2. Hi Kim, I liked this article, reminded me of prisons in Brazil (my country), the prisons are not confortable as South Korea, but the Brazilian government pay an amount for the family of prisoners. Ahh I'm not one Brazilian ex prisoner, I read this information at the internet three years ago rsrsrs...

  3. Hi Kim,How are you?

    My name is Fabiano, I'm from Brazil.

    This problem happens in my country too, for exemplo if a person is arrested, the prisioner's family receives aroud of CAD 340,00 per month, while the minimum wage is CAD 270,00, this type of thing also I can't understand, you know.
    In my opinion the prisioner had to work into the jail and the Government had to spend taxes with education to all grow up together without violence, crime, etc...
    for a better future or a better world!!!
