Thursday, May 14, 2015

Socializing by elyas

Within the framework of the entitled course General skills dispenser by Miss Sadika, i havé ton present and to explain my point of vue about socializing. Why do humans need it ?

Many Sociologists Having led a réflexion on the subject explain the phenomenon by making a link with the theses of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, on particular the theory of the good savage. At first, the men decide to leave their natural space, the nature, to meet and establish a community. It is through the tacit agreement, the social contract, that the men adhere un the principle of community.

This axiom rests on the idea that the men feel safe in group. For all that it is even on the agenda today ? In our contempory societies based on the individualism and consumerism does it still neccessary to meet unknowns in a frame other than strictly professional ?

All the humans beings are in search of the hapiness and, to do it, they have to meet their fellow men, and try to recreate the original model of the family, as well in friendship as in love.

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