Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Everyone enjoys socializing with their people.. huh?

I think SNS (social networking sites) represent socializing. So I  want to talk about SNS.

Nowadays most people have their own facebook account right?

I'm sure everyone knows what facebook is , even some people who don't have facebook account !

Facebook is a popular social networking system also it's the world's largest sns.

It connects people from around the world and it also offers chatting services! so we can keep in touch with our friends everywhere.

And many kinds of funny videos are uploaded all the time on facebook.

Also we can share the video easily to have fun with our friends.

but having a facebook account has flaw.

First of bad things, many students check facebook multiple times in their classroom.

It drives the teachers crazy. isn't it? Siddiqa?

And google told me - more than 500 people use facebook and i found a interesting sentence.

"facebook helps adopted kids find birth parents." WOW

So, i think facebook is the best way to keep in touch with our valuable people and if you don't use facebook in a classroom, it will be able to start a wonderful relationship :)

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