Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A famous designer by Jaennette

Fernanda Ramirez not only is my little sister but also is my favorite designer. She is part of this enterview

If you had an opportunity to follow a dream, what would you be?"

-Well, you are talking like if I couldn't achieve my dreams and actually I living them. 

"One day I am going to be a famous designer". 
"My biggest dream is what I'm living now and the challenge is against cultural ideologies because here in my country not all the women have the dream to increase like professionals and she always looks at you in a weird way. 
I am working in my dream every day,  when I go to the university and fight against obsolete methods and I have to find the way to be better than that.

I must to be prepared for the global competition, because in these days the world is such a little thing. 
I had learned that all the things you do, have a consequence so, achieve my goals and dreams only depends of me"..

I love her and well, she is only 22 and she going to be a famous designer, I'm sure. :)


1 comment:

  1. If she thinks this away, you should believe her. The life is so short to waste time only to see the life passing by.

    Tiago Medeiros
