Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The dedication of an actor by Tiago Medeiros

Eddie Redmayne playing Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everething ( 2014)

          Being an actor or an actress can seem like an easy job where they win millions and spend the most of their time just traveling around the world promoting the movies which they have worked in, but if you look carefully you will realize some special work that some great actors are doing in movies.
          An interesting thing that we can call or a pattern shown in the last three Oscars is that the last three best actors winners had a type of challenge in common. All of them had to be another person physically. It is not about just using a different costume and hair style. It is about also changing the manner of speaking , walking and the way of thinking. Eddie Redmayne won Oscars 2015 for Actor playing the famous English theoretical physicist, cosmologist Stephen Hawking and he could show all that a great actor can do and he had to lose a lot of weight to play this character. 
          Matthew McConaughey won the Oscar for best actor for his performance in Dallas Buyers in 2014 and He had to lose more than 20 kg to play the character which gave him this Oscar. 
 Matthew McConaughey acting in Dallas Buyers (2013)
           In 2013, who won the Oscar was  Daniel Day-Lewis. He played Abraham Lincoln in the movie called Lincon which  was about his life and we can see thess kinds of crazy things that sometimes the actors have to do to achieve their goals as an actor. In accordance with many interviews ,articles on magazines and websites, Daniel Day-Lewis started to "be" the Lincon few months before starting the recordings. He asked for his family aways when anyone have to talk to win, before that, call him of Lincon. It was part of the research about the character. Probably , should not to be so interesting living with an actor. Just thinking about it.
Daniel Day-Lewis playing Lincon in Lincon (2012)


  1. Excellent work. Your passion is seen in your writing! -siddiqa

  2. I loved this article. It's so interesting because, usually, we thought being an actor seen like an easy job. The same thing is being a student. If you have good teacher and books, but you don't dedicate, you don't get. Stundents and actors needs willpower and dedication to get sucess. - Liliane
