Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentine's day by Ludmilla

Curiosities: About the facts about Valentine's Day

 Valentine's Day in some countries known as Day of St. Valentim, is a special and commemorative day in which we celebrate the loving union between couples, lovers and in some places even with friends. Being common to exchange cards and gifts with heart symbol, such as the traditional boxes of chocolates. In Portugal, as in many other countries, will be celebrated on 14 February. In Brazil, the date is celebrated on June 12 , Saint Anthony 's day eve , also known by the name of " Holy Matchmaker "

'' Valentine's Day falls on a feast day of two different Christian martyrs, Valentine's name. But the customs related to this day probably come from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia , which was held every February 14 . The festival honored Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the god of nature "

Brazil , the date is celebrated on June 12 for being eve of June 13 , St. Anthony's Day, Portuguese saint with matchmaking tradition.

The date probably appeared in the São Paulo trade , the trader John Dórias brought the idea from abroad and presented it to traders. The idea for Brazil , based on the correlation with the Valentine's Day

Meet some countries that celebrate Valentine's Day:

Japan - The date is celebrated since 1936. For the Japanese customs , women should declare their love to their partners , giving them chocolates. There are still Japanese who refuse to celebrate Valentine's Day .

United States - The celebration takes place on February 14 . The shops are supplied cards , flowers and chocolates. Sending cards with friends and dating couples is a strong tradition .

Italy - Couples celebrating the feast of St. Valetim with banquets. Happens exchange of gifts like flowers, cards and chocolates.

UK - turns exchanging gifts , including keys and locks in heart shape . Chocolates and cards are also sellers.

Even cultures of Muslim origin, as Palestinians, have surrendered to Valentine's Day celebrations.

 Font: Wikipedia


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought all the world celebrete same day, but, when did you know February 14 is the "St. Anthony's Day" ? BY JUAN
