Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Interstellar By Juan

Interstellar (Best Visual Effects)

The movie is a 2014 epic science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan, In summary, It was a crew of astronauts who travel through a wormhole looking a new home for humans. 
Not only is the History awesome, even the visual effects are amazing, if you watch the movie, you will know what I am saying. Hurry up and watch it as soon as possible !!! You will have a good time with you girlfriend or good friends to enjoy it. every 5 minutes, I was paralized by the scenes, I felt my seat like my own spaceship, unfortunately, at the end of the movie, it was a little terrible, I prefer a good ending, I would like to tell you, but I prefer your own conclusion...


  1. Watched this movie three times . Wow another movie that made ​​me think a lot.

  2. It was a great movie. My best friends don't like how this film changed the "logical" part by part that talking about feelings , but I don't mind. This film is interesting.

    Tiago Medeiros

  3. I haven't seen it but your review makes me want to go see it!-siddiqa
