Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Benefits Technology By Vanessa Pacheco

The internet is part of everyone's lives in the world, even for those who don't like it. But for the ones who are able to enjoy its benefits, life is easier.

For people who live far from the their loved ones, the internet has been a great helper to their hearts. You may talk to someone in another country, just like you would do by phone with the advantage of seieng the person face to facr and for free. You can send a message and the person can see it promptly. In old times a letter could take months to reach its destination.

Also there are many people who find their true love with the help of sites built with this goal: to find couples who have the same desires and many common interests to increase the chance of finding the best  match possible.

Another great internet benefit is to accelarate the life nowadays. Some years ago people had to stop everything what they were doing to go to the bank to pay a bill, for example. Now you just need to connect your mobile or your personal computer to your bank and you will have access to almost all financial transactions possible.

Therefore it is noticed the internet has many benefits and they are related to making people's lives easier. Emotional help and use time in a better way are for sure the internet facilites.


  1. Well said Vanessa. I think online banking (although scary at times) has so many benefits. And of course staying in touch with loved ones only means that you'll stay in touch with us from Brazil!

  2. I have a big heart Siddiqa! Hehe!

    I am in touch with 3 friends in US, one in Mexico and of course I love Ami in Brazil!

    I LOVE THE INTERNET!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
