Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I want to talk about Mexico, and its Power plants, because in the last 12 years, we have had a lot of power plants using only Oil or coal to make Energy (Electricity) in our country. Since 2006, The Goverment  has signed with other countries, to change our plants, renew or only close, and we will make energy using only Gas, or our environment like eolic and solar plants....

I can see, since I started to work with the power plant company, It has made a lot of changes, since It has become efficient, to build new power plants using only Gas, in fact, we had a lot of tanks with Oil, but this oil we can use only every time, before, we used a lot of oil tanks every day...

My city has become a touristic city for a lot of people, not only mexicans, we have had a lot of canadian tourists from everywhere, from Vancuver to Halifax


  1. Juan my constant blogger! ! I'd love to visit your city one day! -siddiqa

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sure !!!! in the last years, manzanillo become an excellent place to visit, a lot of beaches and warm water, you will really enjoy. If we talked about budget, you would pay less like cancun ;) !!! -- By Juan
