Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I'm Here by Tiago Medeiros

             Few days ago, Lucia, my English teacher gave for us a lesson about artificial intelligence. The overview which we were reading had few exemples of movies where the artificial intelligence was present as a object used by us to become our life easier as something which could be a big problem.
            Usually, the robots in these movies are shown as something dependent on humans , even being "smarter" than humans. However, when the robots starts to show that they're as smart as humans, or for some reason start be a "emotional being", almost aways they become a big problem.                At large, If humans built robots which are able to have "feelings", they'll become a threat someday, in according with these movies. So, that discussion about sci-fi movies, robots and future made me remember of a movie called I'm Here. It's sci-fi romance short film written and directed by Spike Jonze( Other famous movies: Being John Malkovich(1999), Adaptation(2002), Where the wild Things are(2009), Her(2013).
           I'm here is a love story about two robots living in Los Angeles where humans and robots co-exist. In my point of view, a interesting thing about this movie is how the life is shown by robots' eyes. They aren't a threat, besides is possible to say they're more "humans" than real humans in this movie. It isn't a big movie as Spike Jonze is used to direct, but it's really good. You can watching it in just 32 minutes. The movie will be available in the end of that post , and I advice you using a headphone due to sound track quality.  Enjoy it !

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