Thursday, March 19, 2015

St. Patrick's Day by hiro

Before coming  here, I didn't  know St. Patrick's Day because we don't have it in Japan.
It's a day which celebrates St. Patrick. Who is he? He is a missionary. And what he did propagated the Christian Catholic faith. The date is 17th March. People believe it's the day when he died.

Most of  celebrating people wear a green things and they drink beer. What I was surprised was the beer color. Restaurant makes it green.I'm a one of the guy who enjoyed it.  I felt it was worse than normal. Actually Its flavor is as same as the normal, my friend said. It's interesting because  it is same beer but I didn't believe it's  same.
And I also feel foreigner is stronger than japanease about alcohol. But I like drinking time.


  1. Hiiiiiiiiro! I miss you!.. Happy Hiro
    I want a green beer
    By Jaennette

  2. Hiroooooo!!!It's time to go back!

