Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Technology since 20 years ago By Juan


 We live in a place which is connected, everywhere you see, by technology, but, 20 years ago, it was totally different.

   When I was child, my mother gave me a typewirter which I learned how write using all my 10 fingers, and obviously, without see the letters. Then, my father gave me a video game consol, where I was facinated with the video games, but every day, I asked myself how video games work.

 After that, my parents gave my first computer which was the first in my village (maybe), and a year later, came the internet in Mexico, and it was awasome, but today it could be too boring, because before getting internet, you turned on the computer, after that, you would be sure if anyone in my house was using the telephone, after that, you wrote your phone number like username and pasword, then, you listened to a noisy sound in your computer, waited maybe 3 to 8 minutes before connecring to the internet.

 I waited like 25 minutes before turning on my computer to connect with my friends from my school using MSN Messenger, in that time, it was like whatsapp where you could send messages to your friends who had internet too, and the teacher said if someone had internet, you can find homework there....

I found friends who love computers like me, chat about that, we met in college, we took the new career, the name of the new career was Analyst Programmer, we went to college, but it was too easy for us that our teachers said it was optional came to school! But we came every Saturday and taught students who had problems with programming or maths....

 Two years later and after finishing my degree as an Analyst Programmer, I decided to study Engineer Telematics which was about technology, computers, networking and programming..

20 years later since my mom gave me a typewritter, I'm soo fascinated to technology and networking that I decided to study again in a beatiful country like Canada where I can use a lot of technology, more than in my own country and I feel eager to start my "CAREER LIKE ANALYST PROGRAMMER" next September in Canada !!!!