Thursday, March 5, 2015

Donations by Tiago Medeiros


Nowadays, we have seen , and somehow have felt  what  lack of  social responsibility is making us. Everyone, from your neighbor (and you) to large industries are responsible for important things  which we need daily as water and energy. In fact, we could list several other things about that. However,  I will expose about what some friends , and I are doing since I started  organizing my trip to Montreal. 
      I was not used to doing someyhing as a simple donation of money,  clothes ,  even a little help. Obviously , I am not saying I  do not help my family or my best friends. I am saying about who you don’t know. Who you have never seen and heard about in your life. My mother always asked me to give my clothes away when I was young. Usually, I did not like when she did that, however, It made me think about why I  did no feel like to do that.

       After I got married, I saw my wife donate clothes to the Spiritist Center, where she had been visiting since she was a teenager. Spiritism is one of religions that generally are related to social programs in Brazil. It made me remember my mother  directly. When I was sure that I would move to Montreal, I started to organize everything that I could donate, and it was so strange. Choosing clothes that you will not need is not easy. It is kind of silly. I know that and It is okay. So, some memories about what I lived in this last years came to light. 
       I have worked as a teacher for only 2 years in my hometown. I have seen  many students who needed of donation  of clothes, and other important things that I finally made sure how important doing  those are. I am not sure, however, It perhaps had made a little difference in their lives. Likewise, I am aware that this is not enough to do a big difference in the world. You ( we) can do a hundred other things  however, I consider this as a good first step. Did you pay attention? I sad, FIRST step.
We need do much more than this.


  1. Tiago, I agree with you, the donations can help other people and make them feelhope. Is the first step for be more humans.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for participating. ..keep em coming!-siddiqa

  3. Donations are a wonderful idea and those who organize such things or even donate to help those in need are blessed! Well done Tiago once again! -siddiqa
