Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Creating an account on facebook is too easy. You don't need to prove that you are you. So I think this could be used against you as well.
I've never met anyone who has made ​​a fake profile or has been caught by one.
But I know there are many reasons behind it. Part of them can be explainable, others cannot.
Before you question me ... No, I've never made a fake profile, but I liked to watch a series on MTV channel called " Catfish ", which promotes the meeting between couples who have been talking a long time online, but they have never seen each other.
The point is that in most cases one of them has a fake profile, then that person always postpone a possible meeting. It is everything because he or she pretends to be a person who they are not. Sometimes just to have fun, or because they have some difficulty to connect in real life.

Social networking helps you make many friends, but do you know who are you chatting with?


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Crazy Facebook Profiles

I don't see and specific Facebook profile that is crazy, but I see many status and videos that make me laugh or think "what's wrong with this guy".
For example in high school my partners make a video in which a guy ask the teacher "There's homework" and then all the students through their backpacks to the guy. The first time you see it's like, "jajajaja they are crazy, it's too funny" but the second time you see the same video it's like "what's wrong with their lifes, they are crazy."
Or in other cases there are girls that take photos with 10% face 90% boobs and with a creative caption that said "Your hate feeds my ego" or "like if I'm pretty" and when you see that kind of photos you wish that someone tell her that she looks like a ***.
Those kind of videos or photos make feel that the people nowadays like to be attract the attention of everyone doing stupid things. [Megan]

Crazy Profiles (Deborah Balbuena)

I have several friends on Facebook that are a little crazy, always with something silly or funny, for example one of them always is asking for food and places having a good toilet, another upload pictures of him doing funny things. I have quite a few crazy friends.
Many uploaded videos of cute dogs wearing funny outfits, I love to see those videos, I think I am one of them. 
Well, I have a lot of Brazilian friends who have a crazy profile on Facebook. They are so weird... In Brazil, they are called ‘’ the cool guys’’ but they’re not. In Brazil, there is a type of music called ‘’Funk’’, in which the rhythm is excited making people never stop shaking, buuuut the lyrics is a bad influence because the singers talk about bad things, but they think that's alright. The singers use gold necklaces, big rings, cool cell phones… They try to be rich singing a bad song.
Most of people in Brazil likes those songs... Most of the singers are born in'' Favela".. but honestly, there is a guy who sings those musics, and he's really cute, but stupid at the same time.
They look like this:

Giovanna Ciconi

Monday, July 13, 2015

Crazy Facebook profiles. By Gloria Yllán

Do you know someone who publishes crazy things on Facebook? Are you one of them?
Last week I saw a profile which has impressed me, it was about a dog. The owners had created it to share some picture of it.

I couldn't believe it! It was cute but my question was: why does a dog have a profile on the internet?
I discovered that the owners were in a relationship, so I realized that the dog was a gift.

The owners post things all the time. I've never seen something like that.

Now, I think: if you love your pet, you could make it a Facebook profile.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

An important lesson that I learned (Deborah)

Enjoy the things that you have, today.

It was a such bad day in my house and my parents were fighting, 
so my brother, dad and I went to eat with my grandpa (the father of my dad) and we enjoyed the evening, the food and all that stuff, but my mom stayed at home so her mother went to our house surprisingly with gifts, like a bottle of Mexican tequila, candys, and a turkey (fun, I know) so they were so happy together.

Later, we arrived to my house  and my mom was so peacefully  and happy, so we can talk as a family and enjoy our dinner. 

After two days of that the mother of my mom unfortunately died, but her last words that she said to my mom was "Don't waste your life being angry with everyone, and fighting with them" just open your eyes and see how beautiful can be your life if you watch it from another perspective" so since that day my mom everyday in the morning tells me "Enjoy your present, so your future will be better" and I try it each day, and I'll try forever.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Well.. It was a time when I studyed at a rich school, and all my friends were riches and they had everethyng they wanted. But my life was not like that. My dad and my mom needed to work really hard to buy somethings to our house, or buy something for me and my sister. I was always greatful of the things that my dad and my mom gave to me.. but I always asked to myself "why can't I have what my friends have?"
And then I realized that  I can't compare my life with the others, because God made a different way for each one.

Giovanna Ciconi

An Important Lesson I've learned (Ninoska)

                                                My best company it's ME

     A rainy august day in Caracas long time ago, I was taking a coffee with a friend and we were talking about our lives.  I started complaining about how boring was my life, for example, if I wanted  go to the beach, cinema, park or jogging, I always had to call friends and if they couldn't come, I stayed at home ... angry (with myself of course).

    He listened to me carefully and finally told me:
 "What about if you go to the beach, cinema, park or jogging, alone? 
Are you so bad company for yourself? "

  Wow, that question really slapped me.  Since that day I can go out, with friends or without them, I enjoy of myself and also I found it like an opportunity to go inside me and to learn from new people, places or events.  Yeahhh !

Since I arrived in Montreal I’ve been living the peace that I looked for. 
A few years ago I had an opportunity to live something like that. I received an offer for working in a big company, in a small city of another state of Brazil, which is supposedly safer than Sao Paulo. 
It was everything that I wanted. 
Then I did a lot of interviews and I spent my days researching about the company, the city and its culture, history and things. 
But something happened and I wasn’t called anymore. I haven't known the reason so far, but in that time I almost fell in depression.
My mom used to tell that when one door closes, another one opens, 
and she was right.
Life has given me another chance and it has been better than last one.

Tania ;)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My life lesson

"In matters of love and hate we are like newborns." Eduardo Punset.
Maybe this story is not talking about my own experience but I was right there when it happen.
Long time ago, like one year, my brother met one of his girlfriends, her name was Lizbeth. They met in a party and for an strange reason they fall in love, ten months later they broke up and my brother felt in depression, I was to young to understand what he felt in that moment but I remember what may mom said to him "I'm not here to said you that she was the worst woman in the world or start to talk about all of her defects because she is a human and she the reason why she end with the relationship. But let me tell you something, in your life you will met a lot of people, you will have a lot of girlfriends that you will love with all your heart, it's part of the life and you know that love is one of the amazing feelings a person can feel, but you always need to repeat in your head that the life is to short to suffer for one person."
To my brother was to difficult to understand the point of the conversation but when I gros up and remember that I understand what she said.
She wants that we learn about every experience that we have, good or bad, because every episode of our life it's a lesson and if we analyze it we won't get stuck there. [Megan]

Monday, July 6, 2015

what was the most impressive life lesson you've ever had so far? [KIMCHI]

I've learned many important life lessons so far.
For one thing, when I attended a baking academy, I met a lot of good people who were interested in baking there.
One of them is a man who is older than me and he was working as a culinary staff at a university foodservice facility.
And also he was very dexterous in making something with his hands.
One day, when I worked with him in a group at the academy, suddenly he asked me that "How did you start to learn baking?".
So I said "Since childhood, I loved drawing and making something with my hands, so I wanted to learn how to bake them and how to decorate them."
And then he said "There is no eternal workplace, there is a eternal career though."
I'm not sure that It makes sense. whatever.. that sentense was very impressive at that time for me.
When I decided to learn baking, some friends told me that a patissier is not a good job to earn a lot of money.
However, even though i couldn't earn many money, I wanted to have a job that I really want to be.
Actually, I still have a long way to go, but I'm working on it.
Nobody can stop me

An important life lesson I've learned by Gloria Stephania Yllán Garza

I think that always we are learning. Every day is a transformation, revelation, every day is a new equation.

I'll never forget the words that my grandfather said to my father, and my dad said me: I give you all opportunities for you can finish your career, find a need job, to eat my food. You shouldn't return me anything, because If I gave you, it's because I love  you.

But when you'll have kids, you gonna have return all that I gave you. But for your kids, you'll have to sacrifice the things that I sacrificed for you . You have to love them.

The parents always give us their infinity love, beacause they want to see us happy.

by Gloria Stephania Yllán Garza

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Hi there ,
today I'm going to talk about the word awesome.
Have you ever thought of the meaning of the word awesome? What does the word awesome mean ?
What can you imagine? As for me, I haven't thought of the meaning of the word awesome deeply.
Today after school, I was in the cafe-teria doing my homework.
Fortunately, my Venezuelan friends were there.
Right away I asked some questions to one(bri) of them.
I asked how can you explain the meaning of the word awesome.
She said that someone makes you surprised and feel good , could be called awesome.
It means, a person who has many interesting things that other people don't have, is awesome.
In addition, she added that a person who has something big at night, is awesome.. well..
And then I asked another Venezuelan friend(chri) the same question.
He told me that he is awesome because he said he is the most polite person on earth and
he can dance and drink all night and he can make many friends easily.
When I heard that a person who makes many friends easily, is awesome, I thought I can't be awesome.
because i'm still afraid of speaking to strangers.
Also I think compared with oneself, a friend who does well that I can't do well, is awesome! !!!


Transparent, but not invisible :D

 Transparent person means someone who is clear, more than sincere with other people.
I'm transparent when it appears from my unconsciousness, but sometimes when the judgments appear, the transparency become opaque and could be seen as diplomacy.
Being Transparent requires strong self-confidence.
                                                                                    Ninoska GM.

Happy person

Show told me is a person who always does what she wants is focused no possitive things someone that dosen't go down if something bad happens , always looks for a solución .

Person who always is happy and laughs at bad moments 

I Think that i am a happy person with that  description because i always try yo do improve the bad things that happens in my life or others lives 

Camila Nava 

A place for everything & everything in its place!

When I asked my French course classmate what an organized person looks like, I didn't have any doubt that she was talking about me.

According to her explanation organized people keep their notes clean, put things in the same place. They are intelligent and tend to work very well.

What about you? What word describes you best?
By Tania

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Relaxed ✌🏼️

He said that a relaxed person is someone who never gets into trouble, who is happy and is never worried about anything. 
But I believe that I'm a person that let go the things that happened in the past, I think that everything happens con one reason and I can forgive and forget all and carry on. 

Stephanie :) 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Is a person who creates alternative answers, a person who is intelligent, and is a little bit kind.

Because I'm intelligent ay some things that I like, for example at maths 😎😎😎

                    By: GSC‼️💯‼️

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Formula 1 (by Sophia)

When I was younger, such as 15 years old, I was watching the F1 race on the TV. Michael Schumacher has been famous in China. You don't need to know what's the Formula 1, but you must know who is Mr. Schumacher. In the school, we talked a lot of sport news, so I started to follow F1 news. I liked Jenson Button. Obviously, he's handsome, and he's a good driver. I believed that he could be the best driver in the F1. I watched the race on the TV sometimes for 4 years. Then, I was busier in university classes, I couldn't follow news any more.

In the next weekend, Montreal will meet Formula 1 race (Grand Prix) at the park Jean-Drapeau. There will be many events in the downtown. It's the biggest event in Montreal for every summer. Honestly, I can't understand why. It's just a car race, and it's an international race ligue. For me, it's just an usual event, not a big deal. These luxury sport cars are for riches, it's not my business. Why all the city are excited about it? I thought that quebecois have passion in the hockey, they should be crazier about NHL than F1.

In the end, be careful in the next weekend if you go out, there will be too many people on the street.


Hi there !

Today I want to talk about crime.

You know, crime is a major problem from all over the world.

In my opinion, I can never understand why we feed the prisoners at the jail.

They should suffer hell and they shouldn’t eat anything before they die especially the murderers.

I know, It sounds terrible.

But everyone doesn’t want to get any terrible news anywhere(somewhere?).

Also these days, in my country, South Korea, feeding the prisoners is a major problem.

For example,


The three pictures above shows the prisoner’s food.

I can’t understand why people who work at the government spend taxes for them to feed

They don’t deserve to eat this kinds of food.


And the two pictures above shows the facilities of the jail in South Korea.

Can you imagine these pictures?
The prisoners can feel more comfortable than homeless people.

Can you understand? Korean people are donating their money for the prisoners. Phew..



And the two pictures above shows the facilities of the jail in Marseille in France.

Of course, the crime rate in the city is much lower than South Korea.

These problems makes many people get angry.

Also that’s why the number of crime is on the increase !!

Korean government comes back to earth.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Socializing by elyas

Within the framework of the entitled course General skills dispenser by Miss Sadika, i havé ton present and to explain my point of vue about socializing. Why do humans need it ?

Many Sociologists Having led a réflexion on the subject explain the phenomenon by making a link with the theses of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, on particular the theory of the good savage. At first, the men decide to leave their natural space, the nature, to meet and establish a community. It is through the tacit agreement, the social contract, that the men adhere un the principle of community.

This axiom rests on the idea that the men feel safe in group. For all that it is even on the agenda today ? In our contempory societies based on the individualism and consumerism does it still neccessary to meet unknowns in a frame other than strictly professional ?

All the humans beings are in search of the hapiness and, to do it, they have to meet their fellow men, and try to recreate the original model of the family, as well in friendship as in love.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Everyone enjoys socializing with their people.. huh?

I think SNS (social networking sites) represent socializing. So I  want to talk about SNS.

Nowadays most people have their own facebook account right?

I'm sure everyone knows what facebook is , even some people who don't have facebook account !

Facebook is a popular social networking system also it's the world's largest sns.

It connects people from around the world and it also offers chatting services! so we can keep in touch with our friends everywhere.

And many kinds of funny videos are uploaded all the time on facebook.

Also we can share the video easily to have fun with our friends.

but having a facebook account has flaw.

First of bad things, many students check facebook multiple times in their classroom.

It drives the teachers crazy. isn't it? Siddiqa?

And google told me - more than 500 people use facebook and i found a interesting sentence.

"facebook helps adopted kids find birth parents." WOW

So, i think facebook is the best way to keep in touch with our valuable people and if you don't use facebook in a classroom, it will be able to start a wonderful relationship :)


To learn a foreign language, a lot of people says socializing is the best way...

But why? That's I want to discuss.
I really agree about this. When you are in class with your classmates, you are relaxed 'cause they are you friends and they are also learning. So, you think "oh, i'm not afraid to do a mistake, it's funny".

But, why not think the same think in real life, right? Why are you afraid at time to practice your foreign language? Think about this... When babies are learning to talk, they don't think "Which mistake I'll do". They just talk and talk. Also one day they do it well!

So, if you want improve your foreign language, you must practice all the time that language. Try to practice with your friends, your classmates, also your family!

Don't be shy! Don't think a lot!
Just, do it!

By: Maria From Col.

women socializing (by Sophia)

For girls, socializing could be both easy and difficult. There are only one important thing for girls, it's gossip. Here, "gossip" has a huge definition. When I went out with my friends, we talked about TV series, movies, stars, makeup and our boyfriend or husband, etc. There were many topics into our conversation. If we could understand each other's opinion, we would be good friends.

Usually, girls like go to shopping and eating some foods with other girls. They can socialize with friend during shopping. Girls can be happier when they eat delicious foods, especially dessert.

Mostly, I enjoy to go out with my girls friends because we like similar things. Sometimes, I had to participate their activities even I wasted my time to go out with them. It's necessary to be part of girl group.

Socializing is not simple, we must spend a lot of time to get to know people.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Socializing by Tania

Socializing is an act of to get together with each others.

Lately this concept have been changed, because nowadays to socialize means to interact by texting, e-mails, etc...and to be social you just need to have many friends on the facebook, or a lot of "likes" on your post.

I really think the internet revolutionized the communications ways. It's supposed to make life easier, and now is possible until to keep a relationship at a distance. But, on the other hand it keeps distance who is close.

Ok. I have an account on the facebook, and I like it. But if you can get to know....ohhh.. It's much better =)

Friday, April 10, 2015

"You look nice!" by Mai

Shopping is very fun, especially for women.
I often go shopping with my friends to get nice clothes. i want a lot of clothes, but I don't have enough money to buy everything. So I ask my friends "Does this clothes match me?" My friend often says "You look nice!", if the clothes doesn't really match me and vice versa. I want her to tell the true, but sometimes I want her to say yes. Not only I tell such a kind of lie but also other people do that. I think that it is a common lie.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

About what could sum up my life by Tiago

Robert Downey Jr playing Kirk Lazarus in Tropical Thunder - 2008

          Being a worker, being a student, being great, being polite, being positive, being my friends: Juan, Stefania, Ivy, May, Dante, and being a snowflake falling on a tree, in this case, being Omar(good guy). Being ourselves, what we want, and what we need to be is not easy. In addition, every day we woke up being an another version of ourselves. 
          Today, we wake up happy, tomorrow we'll wake up worried about something, and so on. In the class, we need to pretend believing in some that we don't believe and defend it. It's amazing see everyone burning their brains trying being successful in this exercise. I admit. I love it! Even assuming that I have difficulty in doing that, I feel the need to try. It could resume my life nowadays. Trying do different things, different challenges and being different good versions of myself.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Eat Pray Love by Stefania

Earthquake Mexico 85 By Omar

Earthquake Mexico 85 by Omar

Everybody know what earthquake is but today im not going to talk about what is it, Im going to talk about one in specific.

The earthquake in Mexico city in 86
It was one of the biggest disasters we have experienced ever 
The event caused serious damage to the Greater Mexico City area and the deaths of at least 5,000 people
The disaster was terrible, too many people died and buildings were destroyed but thanks to volunteers many people were saveda and also with the help of other countries and with the help of all the mexicans we could get ahead
Now everthing is fix and there are not more evidence of that disaster

                         Im going to leave a video with more information about it
                                                                        Special dedication for siddiqa I love you xD

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A storm moving towards Philippines by Tiago Medeiros


 One of the most fascinating things about the nature is when it shows itself through uncommon  events. Unfortunately, it can be dangerous for us, humans. The Filipinos did not received positive news about the weather. A Tropical cyclone "Maysak," identified as a super typhoon late Tuesday, will enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility this week. In according to the specialists, the winds  can be up to 180 kph near to the typhoon's eye , and may also be gusts of up to 215 kph. 
         Some astronauts have taken pictures and posted on their Twitter and Facebook accounts to show how giant is that storm.

This video is to see what can be happens when a Typhoon invades a country:

Weather News by Dante and Stefania

Parody Cat and Firefighter By Juan and A-V

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Destiny by Vanessa Pacheco

Hello Everyone! 

As this week theme is free 😊, I decide to bring on a topic that I really like: DESTINY.

I will use myself as an example. I had everything figure out to go to Vancouver, but somethings have happened and here I am in Montreal. I didn't want to say that because we have people from every where in the world with many different beliefs, but I do believe this is God's work. 

Coming to Montreal, I had the chance to get to know 3 great teachers. They have made me want to go fowarder to improve my English and not accept only to be understood, but also to try to speak as a native. I know this will take awhile, but I started this new fase in my life already. "All long way starts with the first step." 😉

Also I have met very nice people, who has become very good friends. Everybody trying to help each others by sharing experiences in Canada about work, gov't papers, university. It is nice to know that you have someone to counting on. We have had lot of fun together: lunches, parties, visintings, trips, shopping and for sure classes! Things are easier when are done in a great and fun enviroment as we have in BLI.

Well, after all this happiness and great moments with wonderful people, I must believe a great power put me here with all of you!

Thank you for everything! I have had so much fun here that I could even support this cold for longer!

I will miss you!


how do I feel like International Student by Juan


I feel happy to stay in Canada, and choose it, because is a good place to study. The quality of life is excellent, unfortunately is not the same in Mexico, that's the reason I will give all my energy for this beautiful country. 

Since I came to Canada, I knew by government of canada and others websites, it's a country which receive immigrant people, but, as I can see, the canadian people, almost all are very nice, they always give you smile like in the subway, even in the supermarket, everybody want to help you, All the time I can hear: "SORRY =) !!!"

 Sometimes, after class, we hava a lot of option to go like restaurants, bars, museums, even activities like snowboarding, it's very interesting !!! 

If you want to come and study in Canada, the best advice is, try to preparing about your studies in you home country, vocabulary, because when you come to Canada, you will use it like advantage. And finally, enjoy your stay, even if the weather is almost -32 degrees.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I'm Here by Tiago Medeiros

             Few days ago, Lucia, my English teacher gave for us a lesson about artificial intelligence. The overview which we were reading had few exemples of movies where the artificial intelligence was present as a object used by us to become our life easier as something which could be a big problem.
            Usually, the robots in these movies are shown as something dependent on humans , even being "smarter" than humans. However, when the robots starts to show that they're as smart as humans, or for some reason start be a "emotional being", almost aways they become a big problem.                At large, If humans built robots which are able to have "feelings", they'll become a threat someday, in according with these movies. So, that discussion about sci-fi movies, robots and future made me remember of a movie called I'm Here. It's sci-fi romance short film written and directed by Spike Jonze( Other famous movies: Being John Malkovich(1999), Adaptation(2002), Where the wild Things are(2009), Her(2013).
           I'm here is a love story about two robots living in Los Angeles where humans and robots co-exist. In my point of view, a interesting thing about this movie is how the life is shown by robots' eyes. They aren't a threat, besides is possible to say they're more "humans" than real humans in this movie. It isn't a big movie as Spike Jonze is used to direct, but it's really good. You can watching it in just 32 minutes. The movie will be available in the end of that post , and I advice you using a headphone due to sound track quality.  Enjoy it !

Monday, March 23, 2015

Interesting Places to Explore Near School by Xiaolong

Montreal is a travel destination city. And our school is located in one of the most popular areas in the city. Needless to say that means the shops and restaurants near school are pretty expensive, but that also means we can reach some interesting places just in minutes of walk.

1, Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal
Location: 110 Notre-Dame Street West
How far from school: 3 minutes

I believe everyone knows it because it is too close to the school, but has anyone ever seen how it looks like inside? In fact the church's Gothic Revival architecture is among the most dramatic in the world; its interior is grand and colourful, its ceiling is coloured deep blue and decorated with golden stars, and the rest of the sanctuary is a polychrome of blues, azures, reds, purples, silver, and gold. It is filled with hundreds of intricate wooden carvings and several religious statues. Unusual for a church, the stained glass windows along the walls of the sanctuary do not depict biblical scenes, but rather scenes from the religious history of Montreal. It also has a Casavant Frères pipe organ, dated 1891, which comprises four keyboards, 92 stops using electropneumatic action and an adjustable combination system, 7000 individual pipes and a pedal board.

2, Old Port of Montreal
Location: 333 Rue de la Commune O
How far from school: 14 minutes

The Old Port of Montreal is the historic port of Montreal, it stretches for over two kilometres along the St-Lawrence River. It was used as early as 1611, when French fur traders used it as a trading post. In 1976, Montreal's Port activities were moved east. The Old Port was redeveloped in the early 1990s. It is today a recreational and historical area and draws six million tourists annually.

3, Montreal Science Centre
Location: King Edward Pier in the Old Port
How far from school: 14 minutes

The Montreal Science Centre is a science museum in Montreal. It is located on the King Edward Pier in the Old Port of Montreal. Established in 2000. The museum is home to interactive exhibitions on science and technology as well as an IMAX theatre.

4, Chinatown in Montreal
Location: De la Gauchetière Street
How far from school: 11 minutes

Chinatown in Montreal is located in the area of De la Gauchetière Street in Montreal. The neighbourhood contains many Asian restaurants, food markets, and convenience stores as well being home to many of Montreal's East Asian community centres, you can find very good and cheap restaurants here.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

St. Patrick's Day by hiro

Before coming  here, I didn't  know St. Patrick's Day because we don't have it in Japan.
It's a day which celebrates St. Patrick. Who is he? He is a missionary. And what he did propagated the Christian Catholic faith. The date is 17th March. People believe it's the day when he died.

Most of  celebrating people wear a green things and they drink beer. What I was surprised was the beer color. Restaurant makes it green.I'm a one of the guy who enjoyed it.  I felt it was worse than normal. Actually Its flavor is as same as the normal, my friend said. It's interesting because  it is same beer but I didn't believe it's  same.
And I also feel foreigner is stronger than japanease about alcohol. But I like drinking time.

😒 Patrick's Day in Montreal by Vanessa Pacheco

Hello, Everyone!

I don't know if all you know, but I am from Brazil and there we don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day. We watch great celebrations around the world on this day on tv though. People wearing green: green shirts, green hats, green necklace. Also laughing, hapiness and beer!

In the morning I left my place and....NOBODY was wearing green at all! I got so disappointed. I am so happy that I decided to put my cute little green hat inside my purse.

At school some people were wearing green, but in a very calm way, I would say, not the brightly and noisy way I was expecting.

When I thought my Patrick's Day failed, a group from BLI met in a pub, PEEL PUB, and then I had fun in my green day! Although the other tables were quite, our table was very happy! All foreigners, none from US, BRITAIN or CANADA. We were Brazilians, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Japaneses, Coreans and we had more fun this day than "the owner" of the holiday.

Well, I guess we were wishing St. Patrick's Day more than Montreal.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

ST. Patrick's Day !!!! By Juan

Everyone on the western countries known about St. Patrick's Day, it could be the best day for Irish and not Irish people.
Every year, on March 17, millions of people all over the world take to the streets to watch the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and everyone use the color green like suit, shoes, pants or every accesory with the same color.
   The Shamrock is the national symbol of Ireland, It's a small plant which has three leave.
   The Most famous about myths and legends, it could be about St. Patrick drove all the snake out of Ireland. Anyway, we know snakes not exist because the weather is to hard for the animals.
    Finally, St. Patricks Day, It's a good day to stay with your friends and drink beer until you can't remember your name

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Renting an apartment in another country by Tiago Medeiros


       All of us, who are students or workers when we have moved  to another country, we need to find an apartment to live. It sounds easy but is not. Usually, we should do it through the internet ant this make us vulnerable. Unfortunately, there are persons who want cheat and take our money, therefore, be careful when you have to do something related to money on the internet.
      When I was in Brazil, before coming here in Montreal, I was looking for apartments in some websites made for it and of sales other thing too. It is not easy to choose a "house", even if temporary, using the internet to do something so important. I was attempting to find a good well located apartment near a metro station a few days and finally, I had found one.
      Everything seemed perfect. Good pictures, furnished, it was not expensive. Therefore, my wife have sent an email to the owner of the apartment. One day after that, We have received the answer about that apartment. The owner just spoke French , so my wife stated to keep touch with him because I do not know speaking anything in French.
     In accordance with my wife, he have said that he was em Paris end that apartment was of his daughter and he created an atmosphere of confidence. Suddenly, he asked for my wife to do a money transfer by Wester Union to show that we were really interested in that apartment. We had thought about it ( a lot ) and we had read what the owners usually do when foreign students, with no credit in the bank, had to do to rent a apartment. Sometimes they ask 3 or 4 months of early rentals and that situation have seemed "normal".
     We were almost doing the transfer for him when we had decided read more about what was the Wester Union  and how to use it, when we read, in the same website with we had found the advertisement of that apartment, this:

     To sum up, we almost lost our money thinking that it was not possible happens with us in Canada.
In Canada? No way!  We are deceived. It can happens anywhere. We have found a lot of these fakes advertisements on that website (craiglist), therefore, be careful  with your dear money in websites.